Friday, August 8, 2008

"Every Entrepreneur's Dilemma"

Twenty years in business and I still find myself in the 'entrepreneur's dilemma' - I have the time to make changes to my website, but not the money. Or when I have money pouring in, I've no time to improve my business.

I might get stuck on this issue and not do anything if I'd not seen it crop up and slap me in the face so many times. I've now learned to slap back.

While I put cash in reserves to try to resolve this dilemma, there just always seems to be more need than cash.

So, today I'm starting something new: I'm spending the money on items I need to improve at the same time I'm starting to put 'out to the universe' a request for more cash or income. I'll let you know what works, if anything does.

And I'd love to hear how you handle this, too?


  1. It's working. I have 3 new clients plus another 2 in the works.

  2. Somewhere in the "I should be able to handle this," and the "it's all up to me" internal voices, I guess we forget that we really do need to ask for things.

    I thought I was "putting it out to the Universe," but perhaps the message was diluted in the "I should be able to make this work all by myself" message?

    Any tips for the form or "procedure" you are using to send that message?

  3. Allison: You are right on with the notion about needing to "put out to the universe" your desires for whatever you want. Without it, how else can people help you? I've actually come to this same realization and am making strides in the same way. For me I simply want more clients. I feel with more clients more reveneues will follow...theoretically.

    Good luck!
    Syndi Seid.

  4. As always you are right on! The biggest thing for me has been to get help BEFORE I believe I can afford it! That doesn't just keep me out of poverty-consciousness mode (and it is so easy to slip back there), but it also gives me the support I need to do paid work more efficiently. Thus, I am more relaxed, more intuitive, more creative. I see options for new work much more often. And, of course, the sooner a piece of work is done, the faster we satisfy a client and are paid in many ways.

    Thanks, Pat Sullivan

  5. It's a constant battle for everyone--between spending and earning. However, one thing we should never do during an economic downturn is stop investing in our business. Excellent article on this topic by Ram Charan in Fortune Magazine 02/08 It is enlightening.

  6. Thanks Joanne, I quite agree that we shouldn't quit marketing during any drop in our economy. In fact, my recent enews gave tips to help people with this exact issue:

  7. Bravo Allison! Yes, it does take a both/and approach to really go for it. I have used this approach for years and always seem to come out on top. My friend Barbara Winter calls this our "mandate to succeed."

    Keep trusting your intuition to follow the opportunities.

    Your fellow Inspired Entrepreneur,


    P.S. - I have been a collegial fan of yours for several years. Keep up the great stretching.
