1. early January is one of the two best times to get 'mailers, notices, alerts or other marketing communications materials out to clients. People are in a more receptive mindset this month - it's a biorythmic thing in this country. The other time is 'back to school biorythm time' in early September. So, if you need help getting a flier or email or sales letter sent to prospective clients, this peak time of year when people are looking for new information, let me help you.
It's a new year in a very new economy so it's critical to keep your company's name and services top of mind so people know where to find you when they need your help. What are you waiting for?
2. if you haven't optimized your website, this is a great time to learn how. You can either spend a full year reading every book, article, tip or tool that teaches you how, or you can get the info in one hour on my webinar on Doing your own SEO (search engine optimization). While the programming still needs a pro to do it properly, this webinar gives you over 25 tips you can make yourself. Tip one: add a page of content every day! Can't do that? Me neither. So, do the best you can as it will help your ranking tremendously.
3. If your marketing plan had lots of action items and you keep getting stuck on one thing that just isn't getting done, it often means you've not enough information - or just need help getting it completed. So, call a marketing coach if you get to that stuck point. [ we all have at least one area we avoid. mine is quickbooks entries, I loathe finances :)
] This is the guage I use for myself: "if it's too easy I must not be doing a good enough job. If it's too hard, I must need help."

4. I send you wishes for sucess, joy & total bliss this new year.