Friday, June 6, 2008

Have Your Website Do The Work For You

We all work too hard leaving too few hours of time to ourselves.

So, here are some ideas on my recent marketing coach article about how to save time by having your website work FOR you.

Here's an example:

Provide detailed descriptions
of how your services work. Or, make sure your site can “answer” the 5-10 most common questions people ask when they want to know what working with you (or your product) will be like, and how to get started.

Don’t make potential clients sift through annoying FAQ pages – it’s the lazy way out.

If you have the proper info, your sales will increase: Your prospects won’t have to wait for you to respond, and they’ll get a better sense of whether your service or products meet their needs (or not). Make your website work to deliver that information. Here’s an example of how my marketing coaching package answers common questions.

Put your prices online
Don’t make your visitors ask. You remember the old adage, “If you have to ask how much it is, you probably can’t afford it”? Well, it’s likely that many of your site visitors are thinking the same thing. So make it easy for them.

If you’re worried about your competition finding out your pricing, you’re probably not confident in what you’re offering and whether it’s a fair price. In that case, our “Knowledge is Bliss” business evaluation can get you on track. (see our website for prices and details) and use this as a guide on how to build pricing for your own site.

What works best for your business? We love your ideas and opinions which you can leave by clicking on the 'comments' link below. Perhaps we'll feature you and your ideas in an upcoming article for the media. After all, "Knowledge is Bliss" & ignorance is just, well, expensive!